Who had Foreknowledge?
Who had Foreknowledge?
A sticky question, to be sure. Foreknowledge of what, exactly? That 'something big' was going to happen, that the suspects were 'planning something'? That a big bad senior prank was brewing, involving an attack with paintball guns and even a pipe bomb or two? Or that a heavily-armed group of TCMers would assault the school with live ammo, gunning down as many people as they could?
However you define it, some people(not in the active team of assailants) had an inkling or more than an inkling about what was going to happen on 4-20:
--The five other TCMers mentioned by Pat McDuffee, IF he is correct(see my post "McDuffee's Version"):
MCDuffee himself(by implication)
--The Splatter Punks:
They told Clement Park on-looker Cork Chicota that they "knew something bad was going to happen."(7462)
"Akard was allegedly present outside the school prior to the shooting"(17327)
--Robyn Andersen
"...he said he could not see any way that Robyn Andersen could not have known what was going on."(7001-Tyler Ben Pearce)
--Alejandra Marsh
Brooks Skinner was "approached by a girl who said 'they planned to do it and she knew about it for a year.' "(probably Marsh)(2178 )
J u s t i n and Jerry Alber heard Alex Marsh saying that they had been planning it since December. They both got the impression that she knew it was going to happen.(2293 and 7428 )
While running away, Heidi Wildona said she was helped over a wall by a girl who said the suspects told her about the shooting.(probably Marsh, as she was in the area)(4726)
--Courtney Van Dell
Brandi Malonson and Jonathan Fries heard Courtney say something big was going to happen at lunch.(3634, 3049 and 4573)
--Melissa Sowder
Nicole Ray says Sowder had two weeks foreknowledge.(4144)
Kristin Griffith says Melissa told her friend Danny Romero that she two weeks foreknowledge.(6457)
--Pauline Colby
John Reffel's friend "was told by Pauline Colby that the TCM were gonna get back at everyone real soon."(7056)
Tina Bernacchi says Colby took off ten minutes before the shooting.(2455)
--Lydie Perry
Jo-Lee Gallegos "heard Lydie say that a friend had called her the night before and told her to stay away from the school on the 20th because something big was going to happen."(5424)
--Rebecca Heines
TCM associate who wore a black scarf to school on 4-20, not even taking it off for PE. Crystal Bragazzi says "she had never seen Heines wear a black scarf like that before."(5225)
--Zach Heckler
Sarah Slater says Heckler knew H&K had the day planned, but didn't think they would carry it out.(4435)
--the TCM generally
Numerous wintesses noted the TCM were not around the school before the shooting broke out. Typical is Jennifer Harmon who said "Not one of 'em showed up to nothing. Not one of 'em."(6526) Also, "...she had heard through other students that 4-20 was important and something big was going to happen."(9622)
Ryan Shwayder said he saw a TCMer carrying a duffel bag that morning, and was told "not to be in school that afternoon."(7129)
Brittany Gillette said that "during her second period jewelry class, she and James Helms were talking about senior prank day and how unpleasant it would be. Another student heard them discussing this, and he said 'that is nothing to what is going to happen.' "(3138 )
Alexis Wolfe was in Clement Park and heard a girl say "I was told not to come to school because something big was going to happen."(6037)
--Dick Strange, Clement Park Worker, hears gunfire coming from school. Turns to what he describes as an "undercover officer" standing near him and tells him he'd better get to the school. Comment: since Strange notices this 'undercover'(FBI?) man almost at the same time he sees and hears shooting, this guy must have had foreknowledge. Also says he notices black clad students whip out guns and start firing at the front of the school, not the back. (13639) (16437)
--Jennifer Falbo, exCHS TCM, "knows the shoooters and knew that the shooting was going to happen."(17475)
--Ryan Shaddox told another student "that something was about to occur, he knew about shooting and bomb at school."(8846, 17487)
--Geoffrey Chevalier, alt-ed school student, told principle on 4-19 that there will be a "lot of funerals tomorrow."(18192)
--Michael Zarate(Chatfield student?) overhears conversation about "guns in the basement" needed for "a shootout at Columbine" in local funplex on 4-15-99 Not H or K. Person was wearing elaborate makeup. (Redacted) named.(18501)
--Report from St. Clair City, Missouri. A 15yr old newly arrived from Fountain, CO made threats against his new school and knew about planned school shooting at a Colorado school two weeks before 4-20. Disposition of Lead? He was 'hospitalized for evaluation'.(18553)
--Krista Hanley "further told (Josh) Barnes that she spoke to Harris on 4-19-99 and Harris told her what he was planning for tomorrow."(19592)
--"T.J" Anthony Mark Pagliotte, Jr "Told his parents and stayed home from school the day of the shooting."(20132) He denies foreknowledge in the 11k(6978 ).
--Jason Scott "T.J." Valentine(7302) "Told their(sic) parents and stayed home from school the day of the shooting."(20135)
--Nate Dykeman "knew they were going to do something but didn't know they were going to do what they did."((20313)
--Melissa Chavez "had prior knowledge of incident," and "said at least six others are involved in planning attack."(20953)
--Linda Worten, Clement Park employee(24633) Dick Strange, another park employee, "told(IOs) co-worker Linda Worten had info about shooting before it happened."
--To this list we should add the person(s) who altered the date on all the prom posters to read '4-20'(2597), plus the person who made up the thought of the day and its sinister connotation on RNN plus the people who did the morning announcement, with its reference to Hitler's birthday(unless you believe in incredible coincidences), also the person who put up signs in the cafeteria way back in January that said "April 19?....."(2720).
Lauren Waterbury's statement is also relevant. "Lauren stated while at a LaCrosse meeting with Chatfield students she noticed backpacks with "CHS 4-20", "CHS 13nth Day". and "Chatfield TCM".
Closley related to foreknowledge is forewarning. Take the school administration. Why was Principle Frank DeAngelis running up and down the interior cafeteria stairs before the shooting broke out? He had heard of a group of boys who talked of detonating something on 4-20.(5671) And rumor had it that he was warned.(3894)
Why did Mr. Mosier, science teacher, tell his students that they had been expecting a fire drill?(1864) Was a bomb found in a trash can on 4-19?(2016) Were bomb threats phoned into the school on the morning of 4-20?(3469 and 4630)
Did the cops have a line into the TCM?
Jennifer Harmon(6550 saw Joe Stair on TV: "...he just said that they knew that ...all the police knew that they were doing bombs,....pipe bombs......There's a police officer that knew that they were doing it....but he didn't.....(stop them?)"
If so, then maybe this unknown policeman also knew about their planned attack.
--Angela Nelson(3895) heard a rumor that the principal was warned.
--Sarah Slater(4435) saw a graphic representation on RNN in 1998 of the school being blown up.
--Tiffany Burk(6203)said "It was rumored throughout the school that a video showing the destruction of the school was to be shown over the RNN network...... She thought that the video showing was halted (by the) school administration."
Foreknowledge of a different sort:
Steven Sumida(7229) didn't attent school on 4-20, although he wasn't sick or had an excused absense. Why? Because
"Christ told him not to go to school that day."
-FBI file, page 6
A 4-21-99 report refers to an online chat by an unknown white female with two unkown individuals on the "Bob Enyart Live" chatroom conducted at 10pm on 4-19. (Redacted screen name) made statements to the effect that something bad was going to happen in Colorado or North Carolina on April 20, 1999. (Redacted) further made references to the holocaust, Adolph Hitler's birthday and a fire.
-FBI file, page 79
An unknown passenger on a Minnesota-bound train on 4-15-99 notices an unknown male in the smoking car who is wearing a trenchcoat and who spoke German on occassion. She heard him say to no one in particular "Something big is going to happen."
-Michael Johnson(EP 23-20)
"Johnson's mother was told by Georgine Payne that on 4-20, during the incident, she was at King Soopers and observed several female students on a pay telephone and overheard one of them say that they hoped that they did not wreck their plans since they had been working on it for so long."
Other Rumors:
Lauren Beyer(2467): Heard that a TCM member warned Rachel Scott to stay away from school on 4-20.
Carolyn Manning(3502): Heard from her brother that people at Bear Creek High knew this was going to happen.
Sarah Roasberry(4210): Heard rumor that seniors might be shooting paint balls at other students as it was senior prank day.
--The School District
-Jeni LaPlante(Time.com for 4-21-99)
"What I just heard on the news is that two weeks ago they all went to a special training session on crisis management."
-Daryll Strahl(Jen's mother)
"I think the school district has done an awesome job. When confronted with this crisis, their teacher knew what to do. Their crisis training that they just had enabled them to save a bunch of kids' lives yesterday.
Comment: I haven't heard too much about this 'crisis training' on the part of CHS. Are they deliberately trying to downplay this as it would lead to more questions: 1) was it just good fortune that the teachers had just had this training?--yet another Columbine coincidence? 2) what was the exact nature of this training? Was it anything like the following, descibed by the Organization of School Psychologists:
"Several school systems have enacted elaborate and very realistic crisis drills where local police storm schools and disarm students who are armed with fake weapons and dressed in camoflage. Many of these drills have involved simulated blood and firing of weapons loaded with blanks." ?
see www.nasponline.org/public...afety.html
Were memories of a prior 'crisis' drill what Nathan Epling(795) was referring to when he said:
"He first thought it was some kind of paint ball incident related to some kind of an evacuation exercise."
Jason Baer(1759) There was this interesting statement that I recently discovered:
"When I first started working at the Pretzel Maker, I thought Melissa had some problems she seemed slow and she was weird. She hung out with some guys in trench coats that don't go to our school. She talked to Shannon(?) about knowing that Eric and Dylan were planning something. She was supposedly trying to pick up on a girl at work(Abigail(?)) and started talking about that. Abigail got scared, went home and told her mom. Her mom told the cops about it. The day that Melissa quit, she found out the everyone knew what she told Abigail and she ran out. She had supposedly been with them when they wrote in the journal with all of their friends and saw blueprints for a building. Melissa had said that the plan was for Eric and Dylan to die because they wanted to. She said that there were supposed to be about 4 others who will go in and do some shooting and leave before cops got there, but she said it afterwards so it might not be true."
Nancy Lindsay(979)
"Nancy explained that on 4-20-99, she ...proceeded over to Johnson Lake, which just to the west of Clement Park. ... I ask Nancy if she could recall what time she arrived at Johnson Lake. She told me that it was no later than 11:00am. Nancy started walking around the lake telling me that she had a headset radio on and she was listening to KHOW radio station and it was 11:15am when the radio station reported that there were two gunmen on the roof at Columbine High School with grenades. Nancy told me that she had just started up the walk path, which just to the west of Columbine Hill where she stopped in amazement over the news report. After stopping, she turned her radio off and told me that she heard the sound of three gunshots coming in the direction of Columbine High School. ...
[Note: Numerous eyewitnesses testified to the presense of a gunman on the roof very early in the attack. Also, officially speaking, the first shots were fired at 11:17, though people close the gunman on the western side fo the school, where the shooting began, give a time of about 11:15 when it started. By most accounts the first media reports of an incident at Columbine were made at no earlier than 11:30am; thus this statement, if true, is definitely indicative of foreknowledge by elements in the media.]
Notes from Meg Beck, manager of Ascot Theatre, Littleton to IOs:
"4/17 I went to Celebrity Vintage Costume shop at 1866 S Broadway to rent a costume. Heard the owner, Robert Lecher, talking to a couple different customers at different time, each time asking them if they ever get on the Internet. I heard him tell one of them to watch TV next week, that there was something really big going to happen, apocalyptic, etc. ...."
Alameda HS student
I received anonymous information from students also from administrators that (Redacted) had prior knowledge of the Columbine "shooting." (Redacted) allegedly made the comment this past weekend that "something big is going to happen." I spoke with (Redacted). He denied making such a statement.
Katherine Ramsland
The day before their rampage, they sent an email to the local police department declaring their plan of revenge. They blamed parents and teachers for turning their children into intolerant sheep and announced their own suicide.
April 20, 1999, started promisingly in Jefferson County. Early that morning, community leaders had gathered at the fairgrounds for the [b]Good News Breakfast[/b], which is held each year in honor of good works being performed throughout the county.
At one table, Jefferson County Administrator Ron Holliday talked to Sheriff John P. Stone about their meeting scheduled in the afternoon to discuss [b]emergency management issues[/b]. Nearby sat two of the county commissioners, representatives from the school district and other community leaders. The event gave them a chance to celebrate positive happenings and programs in the county.
More CRISIS DRILLS, the day before this time??
I was doing some research when I came across this article from long ago, though I had never seen it:
More than 100 school administrators, including a handful from Littleton, sat through a state workshop Monday[4-19-99], which was prophetically called "Crisis Response Prepare for the Unthinkable: It Could Happen to You."
The main presenters: the Jefferson County school response team.
"Jeffco was very organized, outstanding," said coordinator Janice A. Hartmangruber. "When I heard (the shooting) was Columbine, I thought, 'Well, they have a good response team.' "
Hartmangruber said she also felt "like I was dying inside" when she first heard about the Columbine High School shootings.
The news came immediately after saying goodbye to the keynote speaker Karen McCuistian from Paducah, Ky., where a student opened fire at a high school prayer meeting, killing three girls. McCuistian was flying out of Denver International Airport to another conference on violence in the schools.
Hartmangruber said that at first she could not believe the Littleton incident was happening a day after her emergency preparation class. "It was too eerie," she said of the coincidence.*
Hartmangruber, deputy executive director of Colorado Association of School Executives, set up Monday's annual workshop to deal with issues that appeal to school districts throughout the state. The program was co-sponsored by the Colorado Association of Secondary School Administrators.
"We wanted people to know how to handle a crisis before it happened," Hartmangruber said. "We didn't want districts to sit back and wonder what to do. What people heard is the importance of having a plan in effect, of being coordinated, of having ways to keep the lines open so that the hospital, the police, the parents can get there."
Article dated April 21, 1999
*so many kooky Columbine coincidences in this case!
4-22-99 Atlanta Constitution:
"Just a week before the massacre of Columbine High School the staff took part in a crisis-handling session prompted by last years string of school shootings around the country..... the staff members at the five-hour seminar discussed escape routes in a shooting attack, how to deal with wounded students and how to notify relatives in an emergency." ]
Bill Zabel, Columbine researcher
--On Monday, 4-12-99, the week before, the school had a mock shooting and a lock down.
Video: "An American Tragedy--The Columbine Massacre"
--One week before 4-20, Mesa Ridge High School, in neighboring El Paso County, had a drill which included police officers pointing guns at students in the school.
A sticky question, to be sure. Foreknowledge of what, exactly? That 'something big' was going to happen, that the suspects were 'planning something'? That a big bad senior prank was brewing, involving an attack with paintball guns and even a pipe bomb or two? Or that a heavily-armed group of TCMers would assault the school with live ammo, gunning down as many people as they could?
However you define it, some people(not in the active team of assailants) had an inkling or more than an inkling about what was going to happen on 4-20:
--The five other TCMers mentioned by Pat McDuffee, IF he is correct(see my post "McDuffee's Version"):
MCDuffee himself(by implication)
--The Splatter Punks:
They told Clement Park on-looker Cork Chicota that they "knew something bad was going to happen."(7462)
"Akard was allegedly present outside the school prior to the shooting"(17327)
--Robyn Andersen
"...he said he could not see any way that Robyn Andersen could not have known what was going on."(7001-Tyler Ben Pearce)
--Alejandra Marsh
Brooks Skinner was "approached by a girl who said 'they planned to do it and she knew about it for a year.' "(probably Marsh)(2178 )
J u s t i n and Jerry Alber heard Alex Marsh saying that they had been planning it since December. They both got the impression that she knew it was going to happen.(2293 and 7428 )
While running away, Heidi Wildona said she was helped over a wall by a girl who said the suspects told her about the shooting.(probably Marsh, as she was in the area)(4726)
--Courtney Van Dell
Brandi Malonson and Jonathan Fries heard Courtney say something big was going to happen at lunch.(3634, 3049 and 4573)
--Melissa Sowder
Nicole Ray says Sowder had two weeks foreknowledge.(4144)
Kristin Griffith says Melissa told her friend Danny Romero that she two weeks foreknowledge.(6457)
--Pauline Colby
John Reffel's friend "was told by Pauline Colby that the TCM were gonna get back at everyone real soon."(7056)
Tina Bernacchi says Colby took off ten minutes before the shooting.(2455)
--Lydie Perry
Jo-Lee Gallegos "heard Lydie say that a friend had called her the night before and told her to stay away from the school on the 20th because something big was going to happen."(5424)
--Rebecca Heines
TCM associate who wore a black scarf to school on 4-20, not even taking it off for PE. Crystal Bragazzi says "she had never seen Heines wear a black scarf like that before."(5225)
--Zach Heckler
Sarah Slater says Heckler knew H&K had the day planned, but didn't think they would carry it out.(4435)
--the TCM generally
Numerous wintesses noted the TCM were not around the school before the shooting broke out. Typical is Jennifer Harmon who said "Not one of 'em showed up to nothing. Not one of 'em."(6526) Also, "...she had heard through other students that 4-20 was important and something big was going to happen."(9622)
Ryan Shwayder said he saw a TCMer carrying a duffel bag that morning, and was told "not to be in school that afternoon."(7129)
Brittany Gillette said that "during her second period jewelry class, she and James Helms were talking about senior prank day and how unpleasant it would be. Another student heard them discussing this, and he said 'that is nothing to what is going to happen.' "(3138 )
Alexis Wolfe was in Clement Park and heard a girl say "I was told not to come to school because something big was going to happen."(6037)
--Dick Strange, Clement Park Worker, hears gunfire coming from school. Turns to what he describes as an "undercover officer" standing near him and tells him he'd better get to the school. Comment: since Strange notices this 'undercover'(FBI?) man almost at the same time he sees and hears shooting, this guy must have had foreknowledge. Also says he notices black clad students whip out guns and start firing at the front of the school, not the back. (13639) (16437)
--Jennifer Falbo, exCHS TCM, "knows the shoooters and knew that the shooting was going to happen."(17475)
--Ryan Shaddox told another student "that something was about to occur, he knew about shooting and bomb at school."(8846, 17487)
--Geoffrey Chevalier, alt-ed school student, told principle on 4-19 that there will be a "lot of funerals tomorrow."(18192)
--Michael Zarate(Chatfield student?) overhears conversation about "guns in the basement" needed for "a shootout at Columbine" in local funplex on 4-15-99 Not H or K. Person was wearing elaborate makeup. (Redacted) named.(18501)
--Report from St. Clair City, Missouri. A 15yr old newly arrived from Fountain, CO made threats against his new school and knew about planned school shooting at a Colorado school two weeks before 4-20. Disposition of Lead? He was 'hospitalized for evaluation'.(18553)
--Krista Hanley "further told (Josh) Barnes that she spoke to Harris on 4-19-99 and Harris told her what he was planning for tomorrow."(19592)
--"T.J" Anthony Mark Pagliotte, Jr "Told his parents and stayed home from school the day of the shooting."(20132) He denies foreknowledge in the 11k(6978 ).
--Jason Scott "T.J." Valentine(7302) "Told their(sic) parents and stayed home from school the day of the shooting."(20135)
--Nate Dykeman "knew they were going to do something but didn't know they were going to do what they did."((20313)
--Melissa Chavez "had prior knowledge of incident," and "said at least six others are involved in planning attack."(20953)
--Linda Worten, Clement Park employee(24633) Dick Strange, another park employee, "told(IOs) co-worker Linda Worten had info about shooting before it happened."
--To this list we should add the person(s) who altered the date on all the prom posters to read '4-20'(2597), plus the person who made up the thought of the day and its sinister connotation on RNN plus the people who did the morning announcement, with its reference to Hitler's birthday(unless you believe in incredible coincidences), also the person who put up signs in the cafeteria way back in January that said "April 19?....."(2720).
Lauren Waterbury's statement is also relevant. "Lauren stated while at a LaCrosse meeting with Chatfield students she noticed backpacks with "CHS 4-20", "CHS 13nth Day". and "Chatfield TCM".
Closley related to foreknowledge is forewarning. Take the school administration. Why was Principle Frank DeAngelis running up and down the interior cafeteria stairs before the shooting broke out? He had heard of a group of boys who talked of detonating something on 4-20.(5671) And rumor had it that he was warned.(3894)
Why did Mr. Mosier, science teacher, tell his students that they had been expecting a fire drill?(1864) Was a bomb found in a trash can on 4-19?(2016) Were bomb threats phoned into the school on the morning of 4-20?(3469 and 4630)
Did the cops have a line into the TCM?
Jennifer Harmon(6550 saw Joe Stair on TV: "...he just said that they knew that ...all the police knew that they were doing bombs,....pipe bombs......There's a police officer that knew that they were doing it....but he didn't.....(stop them?)"
If so, then maybe this unknown policeman also knew about their planned attack.
--Angela Nelson(3895) heard a rumor that the principal was warned.
--Sarah Slater(4435) saw a graphic representation on RNN in 1998 of the school being blown up.
--Tiffany Burk(6203)said "It was rumored throughout the school that a video showing the destruction of the school was to be shown over the RNN network...... She thought that the video showing was halted (by the) school administration."
Foreknowledge of a different sort:
Steven Sumida(7229) didn't attent school on 4-20, although he wasn't sick or had an excused absense. Why? Because
"Christ told him not to go to school that day."
-FBI file, page 6
A 4-21-99 report refers to an online chat by an unknown white female with two unkown individuals on the "Bob Enyart Live" chatroom conducted at 10pm on 4-19. (Redacted screen name) made statements to the effect that something bad was going to happen in Colorado or North Carolina on April 20, 1999. (Redacted) further made references to the holocaust, Adolph Hitler's birthday and a fire.
-FBI file, page 79
An unknown passenger on a Minnesota-bound train on 4-15-99 notices an unknown male in the smoking car who is wearing a trenchcoat and who spoke German on occassion. She heard him say to no one in particular "Something big is going to happen."
-Michael Johnson(EP 23-20)
"Johnson's mother was told by Georgine Payne that on 4-20, during the incident, she was at King Soopers and observed several female students on a pay telephone and overheard one of them say that they hoped that they did not wreck their plans since they had been working on it for so long."
Other Rumors:
Lauren Beyer(2467): Heard that a TCM member warned Rachel Scott to stay away from school on 4-20.
Carolyn Manning(3502): Heard from her brother that people at Bear Creek High knew this was going to happen.
Sarah Roasberry(4210): Heard rumor that seniors might be shooting paint balls at other students as it was senior prank day.
--The School District
-Jeni LaPlante(Time.com for 4-21-99)
"What I just heard on the news is that two weeks ago they all went to a special training session on crisis management."
-Daryll Strahl(Jen's mother)
"I think the school district has done an awesome job. When confronted with this crisis, their teacher knew what to do. Their crisis training that they just had enabled them to save a bunch of kids' lives yesterday.
Comment: I haven't heard too much about this 'crisis training' on the part of CHS. Are they deliberately trying to downplay this as it would lead to more questions: 1) was it just good fortune that the teachers had just had this training?--yet another Columbine coincidence? 2) what was the exact nature of this training? Was it anything like the following, descibed by the Organization of School Psychologists:
"Several school systems have enacted elaborate and very realistic crisis drills where local police storm schools and disarm students who are armed with fake weapons and dressed in camoflage. Many of these drills have involved simulated blood and firing of weapons loaded with blanks." ?
see www.nasponline.org/public...afety.html
Were memories of a prior 'crisis' drill what Nathan Epling(795) was referring to when he said:
"He first thought it was some kind of paint ball incident related to some kind of an evacuation exercise."
Jason Baer(1759) There was this interesting statement that I recently discovered:
"When I first started working at the Pretzel Maker, I thought Melissa had some problems she seemed slow and she was weird. She hung out with some guys in trench coats that don't go to our school. She talked to Shannon(?) about knowing that Eric and Dylan were planning something. She was supposedly trying to pick up on a girl at work(Abigail(?)) and started talking about that. Abigail got scared, went home and told her mom. Her mom told the cops about it. The day that Melissa quit, she found out the everyone knew what she told Abigail and she ran out. She had supposedly been with them when they wrote in the journal with all of their friends and saw blueprints for a building. Melissa had said that the plan was for Eric and Dylan to die because they wanted to. She said that there were supposed to be about 4 others who will go in and do some shooting and leave before cops got there, but she said it afterwards so it might not be true."
Nancy Lindsay(979)
"Nancy explained that on 4-20-99, she ...proceeded over to Johnson Lake, which just to the west of Clement Park. ... I ask Nancy if she could recall what time she arrived at Johnson Lake. She told me that it was no later than 11:00am. Nancy started walking around the lake telling me that she had a headset radio on and she was listening to KHOW radio station and it was 11:15am when the radio station reported that there were two gunmen on the roof at Columbine High School with grenades. Nancy told me that she had just started up the walk path, which just to the west of Columbine Hill where she stopped in amazement over the news report. After stopping, she turned her radio off and told me that she heard the sound of three gunshots coming in the direction of Columbine High School. ...
[Note: Numerous eyewitnesses testified to the presense of a gunman on the roof very early in the attack. Also, officially speaking, the first shots were fired at 11:17, though people close the gunman on the western side fo the school, where the shooting began, give a time of about 11:15 when it started. By most accounts the first media reports of an incident at Columbine were made at no earlier than 11:30am; thus this statement, if true, is definitely indicative of foreknowledge by elements in the media.]
Notes from Meg Beck, manager of Ascot Theatre, Littleton to IOs:
"4/17 I went to Celebrity Vintage Costume shop at 1866 S Broadway to rent a costume. Heard the owner, Robert Lecher, talking to a couple different customers at different time, each time asking them if they ever get on the Internet. I heard him tell one of them to watch TV next week, that there was something really big going to happen, apocalyptic, etc. ...."
Alameda HS student
I received anonymous information from students also from administrators that (Redacted) had prior knowledge of the Columbine "shooting." (Redacted) allegedly made the comment this past weekend that "something big is going to happen." I spoke with (Redacted). He denied making such a statement.
Katherine Ramsland
The day before their rampage, they sent an email to the local police department declaring their plan of revenge. They blamed parents and teachers for turning their children into intolerant sheep and announced their own suicide.
April 20, 1999, started promisingly in Jefferson County. Early that morning, community leaders had gathered at the fairgrounds for the [b]Good News Breakfast[/b], which is held each year in honor of good works being performed throughout the county.
At one table, Jefferson County Administrator Ron Holliday talked to Sheriff John P. Stone about their meeting scheduled in the afternoon to discuss [b]emergency management issues[/b]. Nearby sat two of the county commissioners, representatives from the school district and other community leaders. The event gave them a chance to celebrate positive happenings and programs in the county.
More CRISIS DRILLS, the day before this time??
I was doing some research when I came across this article from long ago, though I had never seen it:
More than 100 school administrators, including a handful from Littleton, sat through a state workshop Monday[4-19-99], which was prophetically called "Crisis Response Prepare for the Unthinkable: It Could Happen to You."
The main presenters: the Jefferson County school response team.
"Jeffco was very organized, outstanding," said coordinator Janice A. Hartmangruber. "When I heard (the shooting) was Columbine, I thought, 'Well, they have a good response team.' "
Hartmangruber said she also felt "like I was dying inside" when she first heard about the Columbine High School shootings.
The news came immediately after saying goodbye to the keynote speaker Karen McCuistian from Paducah, Ky., where a student opened fire at a high school prayer meeting, killing three girls. McCuistian was flying out of Denver International Airport to another conference on violence in the schools.
Hartmangruber said that at first she could not believe the Littleton incident was happening a day after her emergency preparation class. "It was too eerie," she said of the coincidence.*
Hartmangruber, deputy executive director of Colorado Association of School Executives, set up Monday's annual workshop to deal with issues that appeal to school districts throughout the state. The program was co-sponsored by the Colorado Association of Secondary School Administrators.
"We wanted people to know how to handle a crisis before it happened," Hartmangruber said. "We didn't want districts to sit back and wonder what to do. What people heard is the importance of having a plan in effect, of being coordinated, of having ways to keep the lines open so that the hospital, the police, the parents can get there."
Article dated April 21, 1999
*so many kooky Columbine coincidences in this case!
4-22-99 Atlanta Constitution:
"Just a week before the massacre of Columbine High School the staff took part in a crisis-handling session prompted by last years string of school shootings around the country..... the staff members at the five-hour seminar discussed escape routes in a shooting attack, how to deal with wounded students and how to notify relatives in an emergency." ]
Bill Zabel, Columbine researcher
--On Monday, 4-12-99, the week before, the school had a mock shooting and a lock down.
Video: "An American Tragedy--The Columbine Massacre"
--One week before 4-20, Mesa Ridge High School, in neighboring El Paso County, had a drill which included police officers pointing guns at students in the school.
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